
Dissolve Premium (dissolve.com) has been the go-to for quality stock footage and photos by the world's top creative agencies and production houses. Some of the best filmmakers and stock producers from around the world are with Dissolve — our rapidly growing collection of unique, compelling footage is a testament to that. In addition to our quality stock footage and photography business, we launched Dissolve Creators (dissolve.com/creators/community). A platform for photographers, filmmakers, producers, and designers to connect and share their work as free downloadable content. We offer these creatives (amateur or pro) a bridge to our clientele, gig opportunities, networking opportunities, as well as our knowledge of the stock industry.
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The Origin of Alight Films

Alight Films is the culmination of two incredible artists, Mia and Chris,..

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May 14, 2020

Gen Z – Your New Target Audience

Generation Z is taking over the world with their TikTok videos and VSCO..

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March 30, 2020

How To Keep Your Brand Feeling Fresh Online

There’s no question that the last thing you want is to have a stale brand..

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March 19, 2020

Meet Kamren from KS Films

Kamren Sexton is the filmmaker behind KS Films, an exclusive footage..

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March 10, 2020

Meet the face behind the ASCEND collection

Daniel Hurst is the face behind the ASCEND collection, available..

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February 21, 2020

Find the perfect shot with more from shoot

Have you ever come across a shot you really liked, but it wasn’t exactly..

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February 18, 2020

Finding the Right Color For Your Brand

Colors play an integral role in our lives. They persuade us to make..

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February 07, 2020

Is Renting Camera Accessories Cheaper than Buying?

Beginner and freelance photographers or videographers often ask..

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January 31, 2020

How to Ace Food Photography Without Using An Expensive Camera

Food photography is one of the most alluring types of photography you can..

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December 11, 2019

User-Generated Content, The Original Form of Media

User-generated content (UGC) has always existed in our lives, from the..
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December 06, 2019
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