
Dissolve Premium (dissolve.com) has been the go-to for quality stock footage and photos by the world's top creative agencies and production houses. Some of the best filmmakers and stock producers from around the world are with Dissolve — our rapidly growing collection of unique, compelling footage is a testament to that. In addition to our quality stock footage and photography business, we launched Dissolve Creators (dissolve.com/creators/community). A platform for photographers, filmmakers, producers, and designers to connect and share their work as free downloadable content. We offer these creatives (amateur or pro) a bridge to our clientele, gig opportunities, networking opportunities, as well as our knowledge of the stock industry.
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Recent Posts

People No Longer Need Sound To Consume Video Content

How many times do you look around and everyone is on their phones? The..
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November 15, 2019

Filmmaking: 6 Things You Need to Know Before Filming a Music Video

The sky is the limit when directing and filming a music video. As it..
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November 04, 2019

The Vintage Look: How Content Creators Are Taking Us Back In Time

In with the old and out with the new. Whether it’s vintage fashion,..

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October 02, 2019

Shoots We Love from Dissolve Filmmaker™

Shooting stock is an art like no other. Our Dissolve Filmmakers take..

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September 25, 2019

The Travelling Creative’s Ultimate Guide to Cloud Storage Services

Hayk Saakian is an entrepreneur and a software developer. He is a..
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September 12, 2019

Searching for Stock: Tips From An Expert In House Researcher

Searching for stock clips and photos can be a tedious process. You can..
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August 06, 2019

Guest Post: Editing Tips for Music Videos

Tristan Olson is the executive producer at Venture, a Denver Video..

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May 07, 2019

Meet Ryan Blaske

Keep your eyes open and your camera ready

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March 29, 2019

Meet Guy Bauer

Guy Bauer is the protagonist behind Guy Bauer Productions: a..

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March 20, 2019

How to create a Doodle Dissolve transition with RoughAnimator

We challenged ourselves to find a way to use color to..
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February 06, 2019
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